Remember all the time you spent picking out the perfect pumpkin to be your jack-o’-lantern this season? How can we just throw that perfect pumpkin away? The answer: don’t! Halloween is over but that does not mean we must discard those festive, joyful pumpkins. Make the most out of your jack-o’-lantern investment by repurposing it for the remainder of the precious holiday season.
The most obvious repurposing of pumpkins is… EATING IT! It is a vegetable after all—and a delicious one at that. Although carving pumpkins are not as flavorful as pie pumpkins and other types of squash, there are still some wonderful recipes to try on your favorite leftover pumpkin.
1. Follow the #Basic part of your soul by making a pumpkin puree. Though a puree does not sound like the most appealing pumpkin entrée, it is extremely versatile. Pumpkin puree can be used as a base for pumpkin muffins, pancakes, cookies, and so much more. So how do you create the perfect pumpkin puree? Simple! Firstly, if you used a candle in your pumpkin, make sure to clean any leftover wax and any burned or “cooked” sections of the pumpkin before proceeding. Then, boil/steam/or bake your pumpkin according to this recipe. Next, Once the pumpkin is cool to the touch, puree the pumpkin in a food processor, blender, or food mill. Finally, line a fine mesh colander or sieve with a coffee filter or paper towel and set over a bowl—drain for about 2 hours and stir occasionally. VOILA! Pumpkin puree is ready to go!
2. Try your luck in making pumpkin butter. If you love creamy, rich, spiced, and slightly sweet flavors, this Fall-themed spread is right up your alley. The recipe is overly simple and takes only 20 minutes from start to finish. Can you imagine? Investing 20 minutes of your weekend to create such a seasonal delight? Here’s our favorite recipe to create this masterpiece: Minimalist Baker.
3. Bake those seeds. This is a tried and true classic around Halloween. What can be better than making a mix of savory and sweet pumpkin seeds to snack on? Move over popcorn, this is our new favorite “stay-at-home-and-relax-on-the-couch-while-watching-a-movie” healthy treat! We love this recipe by Inspired Taste.
4. Pumpkin pickles—they’re real and we are here for them. If you’re anything like us, you love pickles. There hasn’t been a pickle that you haven’t enjoyed. Now, imagine a pickle. But… a pumpkin. A Pumckle if you will (Take 2 Services, Inc. may or may not attempt to trademark this Pumckle in the festive future). This delightfully sweet and tangy treat pairs greatly with Thanksgiving appetizers. Imagine the look on your relatives faces when they see you’ve made your own pumpkin pickles. We love this recipe from Serious Eats—give them a try for yourself and see what all the fuss is about.
5. Use your pumpkin as a serving bowl. Go ahead and label this idea as “brilliant” in your idea box. Save money on decorations? Check. Festive décor with organic vibes? Check. Impress your in-laws? Check. Using a pumpkin as a serving bowl or cup for soup, cider, and even cocktails is a festive and creative way to plate your favorite fall meals, treats, and drinks. The best part? You can eat this pumpkin bowl/cup when you’re finished! Get creative with your next get together by cleaning out your pumpkin and serving up your masterpieces. We love gf Jules’ instructional post for creating these little cuties.
So there you have it. 5 very simple ways to reuse your pumpkin after Halloween. If you have ideas on how to reuse your favorite jack-o’-lanterns after Halloween, share it with us! We’d love to hear how you repurpose your holiday décor to better our environment and make a difference in your community.
Remember, call Take 2 Services, Inc. with any recycling or disposal needs you may have during this holiday season. From our family to yours, we hope you’ve had the happiest of Halloweens!