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Happy Earth Day from Take 2 Services

Senator Gaylord Nelson (WI) organized the first Earth Day in 1970 as a way to push environmental issues onto the national political agenda. Senator Nelson gained bipartisan support for a “national teach-in on the environment” set for April 22, 1970. The idea resulted in massive rallies across the country with more than 20 million Americans demanding action on the environment.

Here we are today! Yet another beautiful Earth Day to raise awareness on environmental issues and learn to do our part to better this planet.

What can I do?

Great question! Here are 4 simple ways to help decrease your overall waste:

  1. Refuse single use packaging and products – say “No thank you.” To unneeded items like extra utensils, condiment packets, or plastic bags.

  2. Opt out of unnecessary trash – unsubscribe from endless credit card offers and solicitations in the mail by following the Federal Trader Commission’s steps for stopping junk mail. You can also switch to paperless billing with your utility companies.

  3. Ditch disposables for reusable items – swap out things like bottled water, paper towels, disposable plates/cups, and plastic bags for refillable water bottles, washable cloth, and reusable dinnerware.

  4. Shop with reusability and recyclability in mind – shop for the most sustainable options that are reusable, without the extra packaging, made from recycled materials, or made with readily recyclable or compostable materials.

We hope you’re enjoying your Earth Day today and celebrate by practicing the ideas above! We’re celebrating today by handing out family-grown Pistachio’s from Freedom Farms!

Happy Earth Day from our family to yours!


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